Saturday, February 28, 2015

3 Quilts for 5 Days

I've agreed to participate in a Facebook Quilt Challenge to post 3 of my quilts each day for 5 days and thought it would be fun to share them with you as well. Started yesterday, so you get to see 6 quilts in this post.
Day one : Baby quilts - these 3 were made and gifted in 2012. Click on any photo to see it larger. 
Emma's quilt originally blogged HERE - my own design.
Pukeko quilt for Liam. The central pattern square was originally designed by Jenny Hunter (more details HERE) but the setting is my own. 
Hunter's quilt (originally blogged HERE) - pattern by Oh, Fransson
Day two : these are the 3 quilts I've made for my boys. The top two were made for my sons in 2007 and are my own designs. 
This guitar quilt, a Robbi Joy Eklow pattern, was made for my husband for his 40th.

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