Saturday, January 31, 2015

NZ National Quilt Symposium : Part 3

Have been sharing a number of posts about Quilt Symposium : Part 1 HERE (lectures and tutors' exhibition), and Part 2 HERE (main juried exhibition). This weekend I'm doing some quilt classes, so while I'm in the quilting frame of mind, thought I would
share a final post about Symposium Quilts. These are a taste of what I saw in some of the smaller exhibitions which were in various places about town during Symposium week. At Te Manawa I saw a wonderful exhibition called Living Colour! It's a traveling textile art exhibition curated by Brenda Gael Smith. Here are my fav's : click on any photo in this post to make it larger
"Big Red" by Susan Mathews

"Consider the flowers of the field" by Christine Dowell
"Joy of life" by Roxanne Murphy
"Bountiful" by Phyllis Sullivan
Betty Busby's "Buffalo Gourd" was also part of this exhibition - I shared that HERE. Check out more in the Living Colour! gallery HERE.
Next up another traveling exhibition from Canada. These 2 stood out for me :
"Roots" by Karen Johnson

"Canadian Hats" by Janet Bednarczyk
Inspired by a workshop with Susan Shie, the "Canadian Hats" quilt was really fun.
Now for some more New Zealand creations. My favourite colour is purple, so was very excited to see the 12x12 purple exhibition. Again - just a couple of my favourites :
"Purple Dragonfly" by Mary Culver
"Cerego" by Charlotte Scott
And these next ones are from the Bernina Growth challenge for our national quilt association - the top 20 quilts selected to tour New Zealand were on show. 
"Darling buds of May" by Natalie Murdoch
Great colour and quilting
"An abundance of gum blossoms"
by Jennifer Patterson Stratford
Exquisite work when seen up close :
click on the photo to see it larger
"Increasingly Modern" by Helen Beaven
And to finish, some happy quilts at Taylor Jensen Gallery:
Which quilts inspire you most?
Can't wait to share what I do in my classes this soon.

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