Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas stitched paper daily art journal

I saw this packet of small advent tags the other day and thought they would be a lovely addition to my Christmas pages
First I went back and added them to my first week's are a couple of examples of the original pages shared here now with the addition of the tags
I had felt this page needed "something" - turned out it was waiting for the tags and Christmas countdown heading.
Again, the tags "finish" this page properly. Having used stitch to attach my other elements, it was easy to make the new additions feel part of the pages.
Now to share this past week's pages...I decided to begin the next page with some lovely wrapping paper and used some Christmas labels as my journaling space
I have decided to do all my stitching on these pages with gold metallic thread and am loving how the advent tags give cohesion to the page.
Highly recommend the book Apple and Rain - was in the teen section of my public library and I will be buying a copy for our school library. Beautifully written with the main character discovering poetry as an integral part of the story.
The previous weekend, my sister-in-law was throwing out an old handbag. She saw the punched design on the side of it and wondered it I could use it in my art :-) As you can see, spraying through and printing off the excess ink with it works wonderfully.
These became the backgrounds for my next pages. As the week progressed at school, I started to get some cards that had such lovely thoughtful words to me that I decided to stitch them onto my journal pages to keep forever.
For Thursday's page, I decided to again use some gift tags. This time I cut a couple and overlayed them to make a longer journal block (original tag at the top)
Friday I got some more lovely cards so when I bind this journal, I will include them on the facing page, and between like this 
Hope you are having a happy December. See all the posts about this journal HERE and in my Flickr Set HERE. 


  1. hi Lynette, inspiring as usual.
    Re the handbag idea. Next time you are in Spotlight grab a small piece of each of the plastic table cloth lengths they sell off the roll. You can gift the excess width to a friend.
    This year I am giving my two mixed media buddies a selection of fabric and stuff to spray through, stitch over or roll (like bubble wrap printing) with. Another El Cheepo gift that I know they will love.

  2. Thanks for the idea Sue - I'm sure your friends will love their gifts :-) Merry Merry

  3. Lynette you have made some stunning pages, so inspiring to see them.


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