Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas happy

How are you doing at your place? This week my high school boy and I both finish school (I work as part-time librarian at Carncot Independent School) and next week my youngest finishes his primary school years. Looking forward to school holidays...
There are lots of Christmas outings, plus some birthdays to celebrate. I am busy and happy - love December and the celebrations with family & friends...and also the promise of a New Year just around the corner. I know it's not an easy time of year for everyone, so right now I am filled with gratitude for my life and the people in it.
Thought I would share some Christmas inspired happy thoughts :
Rae Missigman is having a FREE project on her blog. Starting 9th December she's sharing a simple step-out project over 14 days to make Christmas tags. Looks like fun.
Click HERE to start
Effy Wild is an arty and generous soul who is going through a really hard time right now which she shares bravely on her blog. As a thanks for what her followers have meant to her in 2014, she has just released her Book of Days Boot Camp class FREE. It takes you through the entire process of creating an art journal & an art grimoire
I've updated my list of Cheap and Free online art classes to include this one, and I shared these other 2 FREE online classes on my blog at the end of November, but just in case you missed them :
Alisa Burke's Holiday play - perfect for December.
and Joanne Sharpe's Five Golden Letterings

In 2011 I made my nephew a Christmas tree advent quilt.
pockets on the bottom of the quilt with ornaments tucked inside
click on the photo to see it larger
Got a photo on 1st December to show he still loves it :-)
And I've had 3 emails so far to say my postcards have arrived in Australia, New Zealand and California :-)
If you want to see all the projects I've blogged about Christmas, click HERE

1 comment:

  1. It's a bit of a mad house here too with end of schools etc. I love the little christmas tree calendar.


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