Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas Cards

I love making cards, and really like making a number at a time. This was last year's batch
Click on any photo to see it larger
I made a card a day in 2011 which included these Christmas ones
click on any photo to see it larger
This year I followed the formula that worked for my postcard challenge - beginning with sprays and stencils in Christmassy colours
I love spraying over a mask and then using extra cards to press down and get a print from the ink remaining on top
The mask is left in place above, and removed below....I like it even more where I haven't cleaned the mask between sprays and there's a blend with the printed colours :-)
Then I added serviettes with gel medium - tear the piece from the serviette, remove only the top layer and glue down (most serviettes are 3-layered - original serviette example in front of the cards)
I loved the look of the card bases printed with the spare ink
Mostly I just added a bit of gold stamping
All the cards were finished with a greeting and some machine stitching
Yay - another job checked off my list....hope you are able to fit some creativity into your December.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely cards!

    And while you're checking thing off your list, I have yet to make one! Despite the fact that that is scarey, and it worries me sick, it is not unusual!


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