Sunday, November 30, 2014

Aiming for completion : December

Wow - it's December tomorrow! When I shared my list for completion a couple of weeks ago - these projects had a deadline of the end of November :
iHanna's postcard swap - done HERE
Some batches of cards : details HERE
and  I've turned the rest of my postcard bases into cards (see my next post for details)
I would have liked my Christmas cards made by 30 November but all I've managed to do is some gathering. I'm sure they won't take long once I get started - blank cards at the bottom of the picture
My next deadline before Christmas was making a couple of Christmas tree skirts for presents, but we have all decided to only give presents to the children this year, so I'm taking that off my list. So now I'm concentrating on completion by the end of the year :
+ making my Christmas cards (completion by 6th December would be awesome)
+ finishing my Full Tilt Boogie journal
detail shot of the next page I'm working on
+ finishing my stitched paper daily journal. I'll be moving to December themed pages from tomorrow. Here's my latest pages that bring you up to Friday :
I enjoyed the postcard swap so much I included one of the serviettes in the page above, and one of my base cards ended up stitched to the page below.
If you are looking for a fun challenge, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer is having Carved December - carving a stamp every day in December and you can join in - see all her ideas for stamp carving HERE
....and then you can be inspired to use them creatively by links from Roben-Marie Smith's blog about rubber stamps HERE.
Also still available is Alisa Burke's free inspirational online class - perfect for December.
and Joanne Sharpe's Five Golden Letterings - also free online :-)
Hoping you have a December full of family, love, happy busy times and some time to breathe, glue and stitch (and maybe stamp). Talk to you soon :-)

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