Friday, October 10, 2014

Art journal pages : 66-67

Been making good progress in my Full Tilt Boogie journal over the holidays. Here's another 2 pages - click on any photo to see it larger.
The first was the skinny 1/2 page on the left. Didn't take progress photos - this one just seemed to come together around the image, layering torn bits of paper.
Loved the image on the 2nd page from an old book. Knew I had tape measure tapes to use and some old rub-ons with a sewing theme so this page fell together as well.
I especially like the phrase I managed to find - altered with the word sewing :-)
Hope you have a happy and creative weekend :-)
You can see all the Full Tilt Boogie journal pages in my Flickr Set

1 comment:

  1. Love your sewing page with its perfect text!


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