Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Flower Power class with Alisa Burke

I was so VERY excited when I won Alisa Burke's Flower Power online class for free and was then VERY frustrated when my computer went out of action when the class first became available!
Finally I had a chance to immerse myself in her lessons...First I traced some flower shapes from photographs and pictures from some great floral gardening books
This was a really good exercise - it very quickly gave my brain inspiration for flower shapes and doodling. Then I had a play with drawing flowers to fill a page
and this next page was done after spraying colour on the page as the first layer
I've also got a few flowers in my watercolour journal inspired by this class
I love how these turned out. While I really want to be getting back to stitching, these are a wonderful way to add colour and creativity to my evenings.
And I'm looking forward to being further inspired by Alisa in her new class that starts on Friday - this is the last of the 4 classes that I won
For details of the class and to register go HERE


  1. That seems like a lot of fun! I love the black and white sketchbook page you made. Very beautiful.

  2. Hi I just stumbled across your blog and love it. I live at Raumati Beach on the Kapiti Coast. I work in Lower Huu as a Peer educator with people who experience mental distress and or illness. I have just started off around of 'Art Journalling for Recovery' classes. Have never done art journaling before so am literally one lesson ahead of the group.
    Thanks for your inspiration, particularly the links to free art classes.

  3. Whoops meant to write that I work in Lower Hutt.

  4. So glad you found something here to inspire you Sue :-)


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