Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Watercolour Calendar Journaling

I wanted to inject some more background colour into my calendar journaling, so started my next spread by spraying ink through some lace. A small thing, but I love that effect
then I used a piece of background paper that I'd created with a gesso resist as my first day section - the journaling shows I'm trying to get to where I want to be
I cheated a little with this page, and went back to complete Thursday and Friday after my birthday on Saturday which is when I was given this wonderful book
Have a peak inside via Amazon
Although I've done some of Joanne's classes online, and some of the letter love ideas appear in this book, it is a wonderful reference, and there are different examples included than seen in the online classes. If you were wondering if you need this book, I would say yes! Here's my Thursday title inspired by the book
And here's that page complete
Click on any photo to see it larger
Then I had to devote an entire page to what happened on my birthday because it was so wonderful :-)
The page includes wrapping paper flowers, example of the pack of serviettes given for use in art, and photos of the day (some of which are under a flip out).
My Fabric banner project from my last post started that day.
You can see all my calendar journal pages in my flickr set HERE. 

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous work Chick. I like the look of that book, might just have to get me a copy.


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