Thursday, July 10, 2014

Watercolour Calendar Journaling

I posted the above page when I decided to stop blogging, but I kept on calendar journaling. My next page started with a lovely piece of tissue paper that I'd printed on in a gelli printing session last year.
I tore it to use as a feature and a little to frame the page. 
I like the look of the different pens for the different days, but I think I prefer colour in my backgrounds. Quite happy with how the spread looks overall.
As time went on, I was in a funny space of being busy and having lots of creative ideas, but not having the energy to action them. I was hugely frustrated because our computer was out of action and it was interesting how that affected my creativity. 
It wasn't that I wanted to look at other peoples' blogs, but that I couldn't print photos, couldn't save creative things from emails to my computer, Alisa Burke's new Flower Power class started and I couldn't do it....So I started my pages and left gaps for photos to be uploaded later and that affected my creative energy too. This was the right hand spread "finished" once the photos were printed, but I wasn't satisfied.
I actually came back to this page when I got my mojo back properly and added to my month title.
That's more me, and the final spread looks cohesive, but you'll see a change when I show you my June pages and am inspired by birthday month :-)  
PS This post confirms why I love to blog. It's the self-talk in my head that I now have a permanent record of, and hopefully there might be some inspiration in there for you too...See you again soon

1 comment:

  1. How lovely to see you 'back' again. I love how you brought your 'June' title to life. I feel privileged being able to share your thoughts. x


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