Sunday, April 6, 2014

I am still quilting...

Going to those quilt shows last month really got me enthused again about quilting. By reminding myself to get out to my studio instead of spending time on the computer and by utilising micro-movements between working and family demands, I've managed to make some quilting progress on this quilt top that was completed in September last year
I've completed quilting the background squares and have made a good start on the branches, and some of the leaves and fruit. Here are some peeks - click on the photos to see them closer up. 
Block fused before quilting
The applique pieces were fused to the background squares (as seen above) and I am attaching the applique and doing the quilting in one step. 
Using this method I am stitching through all 3 layers at once so you see ALL the stitching on the back of the back of the quilt
I'll show you the quilt when it's finished...not predicting how long that will take me though! Hope you have a happy and creative week.


  1. Gorgeous quilting -makes the fruit look so pickable! (if there is such a word...spell-check obviously doesn't think there is!)
    Also, the moonlight pens in your previous post look great on the black -will look forward to them featuring in your holiday journal!

  2. This is beautiful I love the colours you have used.


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