Wednesday, March 12, 2014

More Free Class Inspirations

Had to share these :: 
Julie Fei-Fan Balzer has just finished an amazing whole week of free webcasts demonstrating her stenciling techniques. Link to all of them HERE
Jennibellie has started a new online class network - Free to join and she has a free class on offer to start with - it's called Inspiraton Station :
and the first of this year's free Strathmore workshops has just begun : Back to Basics with Earnest Ward
I've added all of the above to my ongoing list of free online art classes - you can always get to that list over there on my right sidebar below the link to my Flickr.
And I'm always inspired by Alisa Burke - it's her birthday and all week she has her online classes for sale $10 off...I was seriously thinking about her watercolor bliss class since I've been loving Doodle Delight so much, but then the unbelievable happened...I entered her giveaway on Monday and I was a winner!!!! I get to do these 4 online classes for free!
I am so happy...can you see me dancing with joy over here? Completely and utterly for some focused creative time. I need to get Doodle Delight finished by March 28th ready for my first free class. Eeek :-)

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