Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Doodle Delight again

I started Alisa Burke's Doodle Delight class last year. You can see what I did then HERE and HERE. I even stitched a cover 

This past week I've gone back to doing exercises from the class. Decided I would watch right from the beginning again so I get the whole picture - Alisa Burke is such an inspiring teacher. 
Using my own photographs of my garden for doodle inspiration ::

These floral doodles make me really look forward to what Alisa will have to share in her class beginning May 23rd 
and there's still lots of lessons to try before I've finished Doodle Delight.


  1. These are gorgeous - I think your wish to be able to draw has certainly come true!!

  2. Your work is delicious and I love the joy you take in pushing and stretching your creativity. Thanks for the inspiration. Btw love the card making in batches idea. Might just start to do that.


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