Thursday, February 13, 2014

2 Prompts 1 Page

explained last month how I want to complete the remaining pages in my Full Tilt Boogie Journal using the FREE weekly prompts from Journal 52 and The Documented Life Project.
I've been showing you a few pages created from the prompts of Journal 52 but haven't really made a start on the Documented Life Project apart from thinking and printing out a couple of photos for challenges 1 and 2. Happily, this next journal page covers a prompt from each of the challenges!
The prompt for week 5 of Journal 52 was Abstract Art Inspiration and for week 7 of Documented Life Project : Draw one shape - repeat - add colour.
My circles were cut, then layered, before being machine stitched with green thread in a spiral to hold them together and tie them in with the background. They were glued to the background after the stitching.
It's not my usual kind of journal page, but that's what challenges are all about right? I like that I've been able to include different kinds of text and love that it's got me stitching on paper again. More of that soon. 

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