Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Word for 2014

Happy New Year
I am ready to embrace what 2014 has in store for me.
I'm starting a new job as the School Librarian at Carncot Independent School. I'll work 3 hours every day during term time so I get to do what I love professionally, and still have time for my family and creativity :-) 
Time to share my word for the year. Some of my past words have been  Completion (2013), Lighten Up (2012), Be Present (2011). Although I sometimes lose sight of it towards the end of the year, I do find it a helpful way to start. Hear Christine Kane talking about the concept hereIf you think you'd like to choose a word, there's a huge list of possibilities here.
I have finally settled on
Living Thrifty will mean :
* Using what I have and not buying new art supplies.
* Not buying new art books - I have enough inspiration on my bookshelf to last me a lifetime!
Lucky me got the Stencil Girl book for Christmas and
the library can feed my art book habit without me spending :-)
* Completing current workshops instead of spending money on new ones
BUT don't forget the free ones :-)
* Making more meals/trying new recipes and buying takeaways less (currently once a week)
* Continuing to attend the gym regularly so I am using my  monthly membership payment well
* Using my time wisely - spending less time on the computer looking at other people's work and concentrate on creating in my studio
Would love you to leave a comment telling me your word or creative goals for 2014. See you again soon


  1. Hi Lyn - my own 'resolutions' almost entirely match yours except I don't do the gym - I have promised myself a swim 2-3 times a week though!
    Happy new year to you and your family

  2. Happy New Year Lynette!
    I'm still working on my "word"!

    I've got similar resolutions - again no gym - walks are my thing!
    Less computer and more 'doing' definitely!

    Shane x

  3. What great goals Lynette . . . all encompassing. I'm still working on CONtent and conTENT from 2013 and probably always will. I'm trying to keep things simple and be spontaneous all at once . . . to live simply so others may simply live and being open to opportunities and new ways of thinking about things sort of sums it up.

    Congratulations on the new job . . . it will fit in well with the kids.

  4. Love your thrifty use of found letters from your stash!!
    And it makes me smile that two of my hopes for my year are also to spend less frivolous time on the computer and more time enjoying making (and finishing!) my own art and dreams!

  5. I love your word. I need to stop spending on art supplies, too, and use what I have.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.