Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fabric works in progress

Anniversary collage and 50th birthday collage
Apart from the above, most of my recent creating has been cards and art journaling. I really want to stitch more this year so am sharing these next 2 projects with the aim that this might help me give them some attention!
You last saw this quilt top in September - it's not going to be packed away this time. It WILL get finished!
I've made a start by quilting the sashings and I'm now working on the backgrounds...can't wait til I'm done with that and can start quilting the fruit
The other project is the workshop with Deborah Boschert which I began in October last year. I showed you my gatherings and some printing on fabric. Now I'm up to composing the layout. So many possibilities...
More to come - I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Lynette your new fabric collages are so beautifully made, love your color choice and fabrics, I look forward to see what you make inspired by Deborah workshop.


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