Friday, January 10, 2014

Calendar journaling

Some new supplies arrived in the mail earlier this week. They make me happy. If you are in New Zealand, you should know about art of craft - excellent mixed media and stamping supplies online and you can visit them in person if you are in Tauranga.
I have not fallen from my Thrifty goal of not buying new supplies since these were ordered on 30th December with money gifted at Christmas ;-) Thought I should make my last order count and bought things I was lacking in my stash. I particularly wanted some letter/number stencils. And so began my 2nd spread for 2014 - lucky 13th spread since I started this new practice.
I always keep some newsprint on the side, and clean stencils off onto it. This is what I got using a baby wipe to clean remaining ink - useful for another project.
Used the same stencil for the Monday title. Realising the background is too dark, I added journaling on a card. I did the entry for Tuesday on some other inky paper but I just wasn't feeling good about the spread. Loving the sprayed pattern, but not sure how I can make it work for calendar journaling without having to completely cover it. 
Looked around my studio and my eyes found my spray paints....Happy place
Feeling much more inspired now
Learning all the time - I never know which direction a spread will take me. Click on any photo to see more detail.
You can see my other calendar journaling pages in my Flickr set
I've also been stitching this week - I'll be posting some of that on Sunday night. Have a great weekend.


  1. Great new goodies, especially lovethe stencils.

  2. I'm thrilled that I found your blog through Julie Fei-Fan Balzer! This is so unique! I'm loving the birds, and the colors you used!


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