Saturday, January 4, 2014

And so it begins....

Starting the new year in a way I hope to continue....
Gorgeous weather on 1st January = family outing to the river. Outings to the beach or river recharge me.
More of this in a future post
Reading good Fiction
Enjoying new art inspiration (a Christmas gift)
And in the spririt of my word for 2014
I've started looking at some free online classes
January Experiments HERE
and this one isn't free but very good value - this is my 3rd year
Will share when I've got art to show you inspired by the above. Note that I will keep updating the list of cheap and free online class options for 2014 and you can always access that in my side bar.
Strathmore have released Joanne Sharpe's artful card-making videos on their Youtube channel...that link is worth checking out for many free tutorials.


  1. That is a gorgeous photo of you!
    And in this photo you don't look like the lady here afterall. Weird.

  2. You should use that photo of you for your profile. It's lovely... I mean YOU are lovely! *smiles*


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