Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Stencil cutting and Spray Paint

Had a play day last week and finally made use of the learning from Mary Ann Moss's stencilry class (sorry, no longer available for new sign-ups). First thing was to cut some stencils - fell in love all over again with my fabulous versatool. I bought it after making my Celtic Cutwork and I've shared a couple of other projects where I've used it to make organza flowers and transfers. I think I'll be using it more regularly now...
It has a special tapered point that makes stencil cutting a breeze. These are what I made in my very first session!
Stencil and mask
There will be more of this in my future ;-)
Then went ahead and had a play with them using Plasti-Kote sprays from our local hardware store. Preferably use outside or in a really well ventilated area. It's really nice to have a limited colour palette...which is not to say I won't be buying more colours!
I also had some fun spraying over previously gelli-printed backgrounds

Collage and gelli-printed base from almost a year ago...transformed
This next masked gelli-printed page wasn't working for me
but I sprayed over it to produce this page
which you might recognise if you saw my last post.
I still love using my spray inks, but it's really fun to have another spray option which gives different effects. Happy day - must be repeated :-)


  1. Your stencilling is amazing Lynette.
    That's such a wonderful tool - I would like to try this one day, I might have to look at an on-line class.

  2. These pages and your stencils are so wonderfully made Lynette, love them all, you are so creative, I have not started on the class yet, only seen a few videos.

  3. Love these - have a Gelli plate on my Christmas wish list so hopeful x

  4. Okay, I'm sold, I want a Versa Tool, I love making things and I definitely don't find a knife great for detailed stencils!
    The effects you've created are fabulous! Love the cards you've made too.

  5. Hiya! I wondered where you get you stencils cut :)

  6. Anonymous - did you see me speak last night in Levin? I don't cut as many as I would like, but there are lots of bargains. Keep an eye out particularly at Spotlight and Warehouse Stationery where you can pick up gorgeous stencils for really reasonable prices :-)


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