Sunday, December 22, 2013

December Daily week 3

I'm doing the December Daily project inspired by Ali Edwards, but my project is in this altered book.
This is week 3 at my house. I'm loving incorporating all sorts of different elements on the pages. Click on any photo to see the details larger.
A metal embossed strip tops the page
The candy canes are a strip of ribbon
Painted doily in the background of the left page.
Couldn't bear to cover up the masked tree.
Really enjoying using the transparent elements
This book will be fabulous to look through in the future with the daily memories of this December captured so visually.
So glad I embarked on this project. See my other December Daily postings here


  1. j'aime beaucoup!
    A toi aussi belles fêtes de fin d'année accompagnées de joie et bonheur avec les personnes que tu aimes! Cath.

  2. Lynette your altered book is a treasure about how what you make for Christmas and how you and your family celebrate the season, love the idea, here is something to look back on, wish you A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.


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