Sunday, December 8, 2013

December Daily week 1

I'm doing the December Daily project inspired by Ali Edwards, but my project is done in an altered book. See my beginning preparations here. This is week 1. If you click on any photo you'll see a bigger version.
I've been enjoying using this glitter technique in this sparkly season
base day 3
Did those 2 single pages and then realised I'd miscalculated and I can fill the rest of the book with full 2-page spreads.
Ribbon stitched on the left and then glued to back of previous
page so stitching and staples from Dec 3 sandwiched inside
Distress ink pad through stencil technique shown in previous post
I am really liking the daily tags that give continuity through the pages. But some of them are a little too cold for Christmas in New Zealand.
I altered tag 6 on the finished spread below
Since I have a more pages in the book than I need for my 31 days of December, I've decided to add a few spreads separate from daily events. This next one is about December in New Zealand
And this is day 7 to finish my first week.
Hope you liked my altered pages and that you'll come back to see what happens in week 2.

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