Saturday, September 21, 2013

New Project :: Calendar Journaling

For 18 months I did Kate Crane's monthly Calendar Challenge. I said farewell to that project in July 2012. It got to be too much to come up with a new idea as a theme for the whole month, and I wanted to have a go at other things. However, when I look back at those pages, I miss the capturing of my daily life, and now I've started a new kind of journaling project. 
I'm calling it Calendar Journaling, and this is my first completed page
As you can see it's a place to try out techniques (glittery feather from previous post) and use whatever supplies I feel like. There's no planning ahead and no constraints about size of entries or what can be included.
I have been inspired by : Martha Lever's Big Grid pages - here's one and here's another
: Julie Fei Fan Balzer's Art Journal every day concepts - especially 7 days in my journal and her daily pages like these
: Karenika's 2012 weekly art journal pages
: Judy Wise's art journaling
: and This page that I made from the 21 Secrets class with Cathy Bluteau
My second page already had some leftover paint from stencils from another project
And here's page 2 complete
Here's the full 7-day spread - as always click on any picture to see it larger
Hoping that it will continue to be a way to try out arty ideas as well as capturing my daily thoughts. Will be interesting to see how this evolves...and of course I'll share it all with you.

For your interest - Both Martha Lever and Julie Fei Fan Balzer have classes for their journaling styles. I haven't taken their classes, but click on the pictures below if you want to know more ::
This journal  features in her video at 7min34sec


  1. Wow, these are beautiful, I've just been getting into journalling, and a few days ago bought my first atomiser, it's amazing. I shall definitely be taking some inspiration from these pages of yours, and trawling through some past projects too.

  2. Lovely pages Lynette, and a great idea. At the moment I'm managing a very small doodle-a-day . . . too busy for much else I'm afraid.


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