Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Happiness round here lately

It's spring here in New Zealand :-)
Great bargain -- cake stencils at The Warehouse in the cooking aisle for $4! Imagine they would cost a lot more if found in the art & craft aisle...
I'm still journaling
I've started a new project  
And very happy that I've discovered the poetry of Tara Sophia Mohr - The Rhythm is about quiet times in your creative life. I am moved by her collection The Real Life : Poems for Wise Living


  1. lovely post and page - I've done a few more journal pages ala Kelly Kilmer - just need to photograph them

  2. Lovely photo of Baxter looking proud of the tulips -made me smile!
    And I like your peaceful journal page.

  3. Lovely flowers and a very beautiful page, what a great idea to use cake stencil.


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