Friday, September 6, 2013


If you are at all familiar with my blog, you will know that I love to create lots of different things. I can't bring myself to focus on just book-making, or just journaling, or just hand stitching, or just printing, or just quilt making....I have tried to give myself some limits - lines in the sand that I won't cross because I just can't take on any more ideas! However...I have a friend who makes lovely felt, and on Thursday I went for a play day. This is how it went
I love my finished piece
I'm sure I will use it in the future as a beautiful base for hand stitching.
If only I can decide which way round I like it best!
I danced across the line in the sand, and it was fun to try something new. Happy weekend to you


  1. Oh Lynette your felted piece is so beautiful, love the colors, could be a fantastic background for some embroidery, I know exactly how you have it, as you I want to work with many kinds of things, wish you a lovely weekend,tomorrow I'm off to a very big craft exhibition and I know I will buy a lot of new materials.
    Hugs Anni

  2. Lynette, thanks for stopping by my blog. I can't wait to see your finished work! It was hard for me to post mine on 21 Secrets when I saw how wonderful the others were.
    I thought the workshops shut down on October 1st! You are truly a heavenly messenger! Thank yoy.


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