Monday, September 30, 2013

A couple of new journal pages

The page above is on a small filler card in my Full Tilt Boogie Journal. It's fun and sometimes challenging to work on different sized pages.
I'm so glad I recently enrolled for 2 of Kelly Kilmer's online classes : This & That and The Journey Within.
If I am stuck on a page, I flick through her notes/prompts and always find something to get me going. Even though I'm not following her lessons step by step, I am absorbing her ideas and finding my own voice within that.
I was sorry I didn't show you my last journal page in stages. I forgot to photograph it before the doodling 
- all the white detail in the left patterned paper was done by me with a white pen and it looks so different from when I started. 
So here's the next page in stages :
Hope you find some time to yourself and do what you love this week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I am so glad I found your blog. I am a kiwi who has quilted and is beginning an art journal. I have been 'teaching' a group at my work so I joke I am one pinterest post ahead of them.
    We have zero budget so I use recycled stuff as much as possible. One great effect I discovered this week is simply saving the glad wrap metal cutter.... The serrated teeth make some beautiful effects. We were using acrylic paint and or gesso. I thought of your blog and am pretty confident it would work well on fabric.... Enjoy! Ps please let me know if you ever have an open play day I just live on the kapiti coast...will travel for mixed media!


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