Sunday, August 4, 2013

Quilting project completed

You may remember that I have been quilting a sampler quilt top made by my mother-in-law.
Always satisfying to finish a project, but I was sad to see this one end.  I had LOTS of fun with the quilting on this one, and I also like how it looks on the back.
As my friend pointed out, it's become a sampler of free-motion quilting as well. Before I go any further, I want to link to Leah Day's wonderful resource The Free Motion Quilting Project : 365+ designs - this site provided some great quilting ideas when I got stuck. Tune in each week for FMQ Fridays for inspiration from her and others.
Had some nice feedback about seeing photos of the unquilted blocks alongside the quilted, so here they all are for your future reference as well as mine (click on any photo to see it larger).
Block 1

Blocks 1-2 unquilted

Block 2 : Card Trick
Block 3 unquilted
Block 3
Block 4
Blocks 4-5 unquilted
Block 5
Block 6 unquilted
Block 6 : Flying Geese
Block 7
Blocks 7-8 unquilted
Block 8
Block 9 unquilted
Block 9 : Bow Ties
Close-up of sashings
Border quilting front & back view.
I incorporated the floral pattern into the quilting design.
And I'm glad to report that my mother-in-law is happy with the result too.
This is my next quilting project - last shown HERE
- of course I have to sash it and turn it into a quilt top first!


  1. This is so inspiring to see, especially with the before and after photos -it makes me want to quickly piece my next quilt top so that I can adorn it with beautiful quilting designs!

  2. I love the way you quilted this beautiful quilt. Its inspiring to see how the quilting so greatly enhanced each block. Your before and after pictures are a wonderful reference for the rest of us exploring this art form.

  3. I love the sampler approach to the quilting and the way it complements each square . . . such love poured in to each step.

  4. A wonderful sampler Lynette and the quilting is so beautifully made, lovely colors.

  5. ooh have you been shopping at Needlecraft. Lucky you. I havent found a shop yet in Melbourne that equals Valis's shop. Your quilts are fantastic. I am originally from Wanganui and opened the scrapbook shop over there. but sold it to move to Aus in 2006. I am going to follow your blog now :-)


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