Friday, August 30, 2013

10 minutes a day : 6

For today's 10 minutes I'm starting with this next mainly blank page and will follow a lesson from Kelly Kilmer's Journey Within class.
I gather an image and some pieces of background paper to tone with my base page.
SET THE TIMER :: Tried out some arrangements of papers and focal - the composition moves a bit more quickly when working from one of Kelly's collage templates. Was happy to glue down what I first tried.
The hands are just begging for something to hold - if you know my work at all you can guess what that will be. The lesson prompt includes adding tape.
I used the black leaf tape again that I used on yesterday's page. I don't have a huge collection of tape, and I like how using the same tape across different pages unifies the journal. Also remember that you don't have to use tape - a cut or torn piece of paper will still give you that line, although I love the transparent look of the tape above.
Tomorrow's the last day of the challenge. Wonder if I'll get this page completed.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a good I ought to try!
    Thanks for coming to my website Lynette, and for leaving such lovely comments.


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