Wednesday, August 28, 2013

10 minutes a day : 4

I was going to use the next blank page in my journal, but I've started the next few pages so decided to see where I can get to in 10 minutes from this starting point.
SET THE TIMER :: I needed a proper focal and I like to include butterflies so that was where I started. Knew I wanted the Mucha as soon as I laid hands on it. Added a bit of tape and some white doodles while I was thinking about that butterfly.
When I looked in my box of journaling "junk" I found a couple of useful bits from previous projects : a piece of paper embossed with distress embossing powder from a playday 
and the remains of the green metallic painted modelling paste that I cut circles from for my indian wall-hanging. The torn bit of modelling paste paper looked enough like a wing to turn her into an angel. And I decided she needed a couple of tattoos so I used some small rub-ons.
I glued everything in place and TIMER STOP ::
I thought the page only needed some writing so looked for a pen. But as I considered what to write I decided the page is complete without anything else.
Once again, as happened yesterday, I decided I wanted to spend more than 10 minutes in my journal so I turned the page.

This page already had such a wonderfully full background, I thought it would need little effort to complete it...Turns out it took a lot longer than another 10 minutes to complete this page, but I had fun doing it and that's what it's all about after all.


  1. I love everything about these pages, they are in harmony - very clever when turning the page to keep the theme/colour going continuing the story.
    Soft colours are me - I mess up when I try working with primaries.

    I have a penchant for Mucha images too and a long time ago I made my daughter a journal featuring them - I'll dig out the photos!

    The second page really resonates with me - all the papers are beautiful and perfectly finished with the little girl looking back in awe at the wonder of nature.
    A very productive 10+ minutes of fun!

    Shane x

  2. Lynette your journal pages are so beautifully made, love the Mucha images and I love the colors you have used.

  3. I especially love the second page. I can see how this would indeed take more than ten minutes, haha.


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