Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ta Da and To Do lists

Welcome July and we are half way through the year. Decided to share my to-do list for the next 6 months, but first thought it would be fun to look at the projects I have completed so far this year : Ta Da!
Various projects blogged HERE
Blogged HERE
Blogged HERE
Blogged HERE
Blogged HERE
My most recent :: see myprevious post
Not to mention a few more pages completed in my Full Tilt Boogie journal
Like those I blogged HERE and HERE
some stamp carving
Blogged HERE
some gelli plate printing
Blogged HERE
and some card making
Blogged HERE
And this is the made-some-progress but on the to-do list for July-December :
Last blogged HERE
Back on the design wall
More on the mystery quilt
Want to do more of THIS
Hoping to do some more quilt-making in the next 6 months, and also looking forward to this FREE Strathmore Online Workshop ::
Group logo of Workshop 3
Artful Card-Making techniques with Jane LaFazio and Joanne Sharpe : SEPTEMBER
Wonder what else the next 6 months will bring

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