Friday, July 26, 2013

Quilt Symposium : Part 2

See previous post for part 1 of my awesome weekend away. Now I want to share some of the wonderful quilts that inspired me at the main exhibition. It's going to be a long post! (click on any of the pictures to see the quilts larger)
"Juno's Dance" by Ansa Beytenbach
I love applique
"Tradition with a Twist" by Anna Williams
Winner Professional Traditional
Exquisite details :: "Tradition with a Twist" above
"Mix and Match" by Vivienne Franklin.
Winner Best Use of Colour
I love colour

"Poppies" by Anne Jolly
"D.I.S. Played 2" by Sheryl Anicich
I love pieced quilts
"Pickled by Rose" by Sheryl Anicich
"Behind the Lines" by Gael O'Donnell
"Reflections 2" by Kathleen Burford
I love pieced machine quilted details
"Radio Waves" detail by Sharon Bradley
"Daughter of Neptune" by Francien Bot
I love art quilts

"Fifteen" by Camilla Watson
Winner Professional Art Quilt
"The Comfort of Stitch" by Lee-Ann Newton
Winner Best Non Traditional Quilt
I love mixed media
Detail of "The Comfort of Stitch" above
There was also an exhibition of RED : a 12" by 12" challenge. Here's a taste of those (sorry I can't credit them all)
Winner :: "Gerbera" by Sonya Prchal
Commended : "Posh Poppies" by Valda Sutton
And we finish with the Tutor's quilts ::
Kathleen Laurel Sage is new to me - her website is HERE and her blogposts about symposium HERE.
Kathleen Sage :: Sunflower in New Zealand
"Sunflower in New Zealand" detail
Her work in organza is exquisite
Robbie Joy Eklow - see my previous post for more about her
Talented friend Carole Brungar
Gorgeous detail of Carole's quilt - see what she blogged about Taupo HERE
Michele Hill
I've shown Michele Hill's lovely quilt last because she was our very entertaining speaker to finish the first day. If you like William Morris quilts, you will know her name.
She has done some lovely posts about Taupo symposium on her blog HERE.
Wonder what we'll get to see at the next Symposium  which is to be held here in Palmerston North 16-21 January 2015 (click on the poster below to enlarge)
Registrations are open now and the website has gone live. There's already a list of confirmed international tutors.
I still have more to share about my Taupo symposium experience so see you again soon.


  1. HI Lynette, Great to meet you via blogger and thanks so much for coming to my lecture!! Thanks also for dropping by my blog and for your great photos and round up of the Symposium. I LOVE New Zealand and hope to come back again one day. Hugs from South Australia xx

  2. Hi Lynette, I had 45 mins to look at the exhibition which was hugely disappointing but I just didn't have time, so thanks for adding the pics. And for the lovely comments re my quilt :)

  3. Hi Lynette.....great to see photos of those beautiful quilts.....I loves the Gerbra and the ones made by Francien Bot ans LeeAnn Newston......

  4. Wow, some really mind blowing quilts. I'm going to the Festival of Quilts (UK) this year, I'm hoping that there will be some equally amazing quilts on show.


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