Saturday, July 20, 2013

Loving machine quilting

I've finally made a start on machine quilting this sampler quilt top - made by my mother-in-law.
Thought I would show you before and after shots of the blocks because they change so much with the machine quilting. Clicking on the quilted pictures will show you more detail.
before quilting
They are all free-motion quilted.
That means no marking of the quilt top, feed-dogs down, and go for it.
She said I could quilt as I wanted so I hope she likes it when it's done
I'm about half-way. 5 blocks completed, most of the remaining 4 started, and I want to quilt all the sashings and the border as well. Lots more to show you yet.
This post has been scheduled to be published while I'm off for a long weekend in Taupo attending our National Quilt Symposium - looking forward to lots of laughter with my 6 friends and to being inspired by quilts, speakers and helping with a class.
Hope you're having a great weekend too.


  1. Your quilting is so nice! I do love quilting!!!

  2. I just found you via the 21 Secrets link up. I was excited to see that you were in New Zealand as well!!

    Beautiful quilting work. :)


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