Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Journaling in Taupo

While in Taupo (see the previous 3 posts!) I wanted to take something to do if I had some spare moments in the evenings. I was between stitching so decided to take some papers, scissors and glue along with my FTB journal to add bits and pieces to some more pages.
I wasn't aiming for completion, and was pleased to make progress on these pages
Fabric down the side is stitched leftovers from when I created my accordion garden journal
And I actually did manage to finish a couple : this to remember my wonderful weekend away in Raumati where I finally got to watch Les Miserables
and this one to remember the weekend in Taupo
Note especially the words I framed which were on the original page and fit perfectly with the feel of our weekend :-)


  1. I absolutely love the page with the strips of fabric attached to it. Great idea.

  2. What a perfect piece of found poetry!

  3. So beautiful. Will you write on some of the pages or just the images as reminders?

  4. Hi Lynette-just love reading about your creative journey, symposium sounds great, seems a long time ago now when I came to visit but just to let you know I'll be returning to NZ March 2015 - things are being planned!


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