Saturday, July 13, 2013


Today I have been blogging for 3 whole years! At my 1st bloggiversary I wrote "120 posts and 34 followers later I can look back and feel really happy about the projects I've created and shared, the comments I've enjoyed, and the satisfaction of having a colourful record of a year in my creative life." 
Elephant transfer HERE
Still feeling that happiness :: This is blog post #360 and I now have 87 followers - thank you :-)
Embroidery in progress
Although I sometimes have creative dry spells which affect my blogging, I still want to continue this visual diary of my projects and inspirations, and experience has shown me that the dry spells always come to end.

It is useful to have this record to look back on how I did things and it definitely encourages me to be more productive. Above all, it's fun to be part of the blogging community.
I'm looking forward to sharing the next year of projects with you.
The elephant has now found its place on the indian wall-hanging - last seen here.


  1. Yah you are an inspiration! I adore your elephant - the embroidery is wonderful and he's found his perfect place! P xxxx

  2. Congratulations Lynette, I didn't celebrate my 1 year anniversary, and my 100th post is still a way off . . .must be the weeks I have not posting! With school holidays here I'm hoping to get back in the groove again.

    Love the evolution of the elephant, she looks wonderful!

  3. Congratulations Lynette, oh I love your elefant and I enjoyed seeing how you changed it from just being an elephant to an absolutely wonderful elephant with embroidery and beads.

  4. Happy blogaversary! I hope we get to enjoy your talents for a long time to come. Isn't it fun to look back on your own blog? It really makes me happy to see a record of the things I did artsy wise over the past years.


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