Friday, June 7, 2013

It's not nothing!

Sometimes I feel that I'm getting nothing done. Since this blog is about all of me, I thought I would share what's been taking up my time, feeding my creativity, providing enjoyment, and moving me always towards the time when art will happen again.
We got new carpet
 I went on a very special marae visit with my son's class
Inspiring painted panels within the wharenui (meeting house)
The boys did the haka
The girls made poi
And then in that lovely serendipitous way life goes sometimes, I discovered this wonderful resource at the library
I went on a girls' weekend with friends - 8 of us at Raumati with beach walks
and shops of course
Loving my new green fantail ring and small wooden fantail that
keeps me company in my studio 
Gorgeous card from  the NZ company Barking Mad - cos sometimes I need reminding
I've been working some extra hours at the library this last few weeks which has helped to feed my reading habit and will hopefully inspire some creations
And I have managed to snatch a few minutes this week to try out an idea I saw using a paint chip
some white embossing powder
and I'm in the planning stages of making myself a new felt sunglasses case
It may end up featuring a fantail too
Tonight I'm off for a wonderful weekend with my husband - a belated celebration of our wedding anniversary, and anticipation of my birthday later this month.
Hope you have a lovely weekend. You probably need reminding's not nothing


  1. Love the white embossing powder!
    Hope you had a fabulous weekend away!

  2. Mmmm, that ring matches my earrings! Better keep your eye on it! lol
    Hope you had a nice weekend away too.


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