Monday, June 17, 2013

Birthday month

June is Birthday month at our house - my youngest and I share June birthdays, but I also like to spread my birthday over several days/weeks to make the pleasure last! This month I started by having a gorgeous weekend in Wellington. Just my lovely husband & I alone together for 2 nights.
Wonderful cocktail bar : The Library Bar
Richard Ponder's art is stunning in person - vivid colours, gorgeous layers
This last weekend it was my birthday. Had a great day treated to delicious food and this visually wonderful movie.
Loved everything about it. I also thought you might like to see some of my arty gifts
Very inspired. Both of the books are fantastic. Will share more about them when I get a chance to devour them properly! And now I'm off to continue a book project.


  1. A belated happy birthday Lynette, looks like you had a great day and got some lovely gifts, I also have birthday in June the 28, now I hope for more summer weather so we can have guests in the garden, I look forwards to see your book for Roben Marie's class, it is a fun book to make.

  2. HI Lynnie - lovely celebrations last night. I adore the street art you found in Wellington - fabulous!!! Looking forward to seeing the results of your playday today!! P xxx


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