Thursday, April 18, 2013

Indian Wall-Hanging continued

Progress has been slow since I last showed you, but the Indian wall-hanging now looks like this (click on the picture to see it larger)
A few details ::
This was a silk rod that I flattened out, stamped on with metallic paint and then beaded. Below you can see an original silk rod, and the stamped one before beading complete above.
I always keep all the papers that I put excess paint/spray/stamping onto, and I also keep any wipes I use to clean up. Below is a dried, painty wipe, spray basted to a piece of felt.
This is that base combined with a metallic paint image stamped with a lovely borrowed indian foam stamp.
And here it is all stitched and beaded and now attached to the hanging.
This lady is one of the TAP transfers. She's got a wee bit of batting behind to give her a bit of dimension and is edged with indian sari cord and sequins.
I don't really mind that progress is slow for this project. Now to decide what's next...


  1. Lynette - this is all just so damn gorgeous! Your fiber art is so rich and sumptuous. Keep going - you're amazing!

  2. It's coming along beautifully. Very rich and sumptuous!

  3. WOW Lynette this is so wonderfully made, so many different elements and techniques that there are used, love the colors.

  4. All those details are just so...well....tasty! Yum! ;-)


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