Friday, April 26, 2013

21 Secrets : Go Green with Rae Missigman

I am soooo glad I decided to join 21 Secrets 2013 : 21 different tutors presenting fabulous online instructional videos, 9 months to play, a 63 page printable PDF and a crazy wonderful cheap price - the only downside was choosing which workshop to start.
One of the first to attract my attention was one by Rae Missigman called Go Green : "Transform a simple one dimensional book cover into a beautiful, recycled & re-purposed three-dimensional work of ART". See a preview of the class here.
Sneak preview of my completed cover
Since I am aiming for Completion this year, I decided to give this bookcover some attention
I last shared the book with you in December 2012 - you may remember I had done some work on prepping some pages inside with colour and stitch
Rae's workshop excited me with possibilities for the cover. I love the re-purposing of things and already have a stash of recyclables. Here's how it happened ::  First layer of textures with a few of my own additions to the lesson
Been wanting to get some drywall joint tape ever since I saw this inspiration wednesday video from Donna Downey. Adds yet another yummy texture. Here it is closer up alongside moulding paste through a stencil - delicious
Stage 2 cover
And here's Stage 3 - ready to dress.  Remember to click on the pictures to see more detail
I really like the Tim Holtz butterfly tissue tape on the spine. The other butterflies and flower are serviettes. They blend really well with gel medium, and I love how the colour behind shows through. Lovely to touch as well as look at. Then there was more to add.
Layers of vegetable net bag,
words and fibres (scrim and felt layers above)
a ruffle of recycled painted wipes,
Back cover complete
Front cover complete
The butterfly is a brooch my grandmother gave me about 40 years ago
And I fell in love with my sewing machine all over again
it stitched through the book covers! (I used a leather needle and a very slow stitch)
And here's the cover all done
Now off to look at other classes on offer to put some more colour on the inside pages. Have a lovely weekend 


  1. Wow Lynette you have done a fantastic start on the 21 Secrets, your cover and your pages are so wonderful, love all the different layers on the pages.

  2. Wow, I can't believe you could sew through the book covers. That is just amazing! I love the whole cover by the way and I've been wanting some of that structured tape too, it just looks so cool!

  3. You're a wonderful ambassador for the 21 Secrets workshop - the book cover you've created is beautiful!And your Gran would love that you've used her butterfly!

  4. Oh Lynette you are so creative! I LOVE the joint tape - FANTASTIC idea! I think that the addition of the brooch is heart warming and something I would have chosen to do - a girl after my own heart! Thank you for your well written and lovely shout out - you are a doll. I can not wait to follow and see more your creations.
    Warm Regards,


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