Monday, March 18, 2013

Ideas for using scrim

Call it what you will, Cotton Scrim (also known variously as Cotton Gauze or Muslin or Cheesecloth) is a lovely fibre with lots of uses. When I was working at the show, lots of people weren't sure how to use it, so I thought I'd share some ideas with you.
Sometimes it's as simple as gluing it to a mixed media piece : this is Cecile's (Unique Stitching) sample from the show
People use it for both wet felting and needle felting.
This is a felted flower also by Cecile.
Felted Flower Tutorial by Cecile Whatman HERE
You can see examples of both types of felting at Rosiepink - gorgeous green stitched in their lovely blog header and scroll through the posts to see more beautiful work.
You can use it with your embellishing machine.
The above detail is from a beautiful piece by Judy Scott-Kinross : click here for information about the whole piece.
Karen Ruane does beautiful contemporary embroidery with cream cotton scrim.
Here's a Beryl Taylor article combining tea bags with scrim behind (detail below)
By Beryl Taylor
Angie Hughes uses it in various textiles pieces
Angie Hughes :: Dream Sampler
and gives instruction in her book Stitch Cloth Paper and Paint
Take a look inside here via amazon
Check out this lovely Feathery Grasses piece inspired by that book.
I would like to try something similar, but I also just like it as a lovely textural/frayed fabric element to add into textile art.
Caroline Saxby does it so well : 
She'll be showing more of this piece soon on her blog.
and I really love this textural piece by Myfanwy Hart ::
A textile embellished collage using scrim, muslins and free machine embroidery. By Myfanwy Hart.
You may also know Ineke Berlyn's work
Journal quilt by Ineke Berlyn
I've used it in several places on my indian wall-hanging
Behind pieces as a frame
On the left glued as part of the background
and it's lovely as a lining - my friend made this delightful cone from a Ruth Rae pattern
Cone made by my friend Katherine
Here are some of my favourite cards I've made with scrim elements :
And here's some lovely tag art with generous scrim detail to finish
Hope you are inspired to use scrim.


  1. Fantastic post Lynette - so many ideas. It would take dye so well too!

  2. Oh my, I just want to grab that first photograph right off your blog. I had never heard the word 'scrim' before, but I do know what this is. You give such beautiful examples and yet another book to put on my wishlist. Sigh...

  3. this is a lovely post and I also love to use scrim. Thanks so much for the mention I really appreciate it, Karen

  4. Scrim is wonderful - thank you for this post as it will spread the word to those who have yet to discover this wonderful fabric.

  5. Hi Lynette, thanks so much for showing my little newspaper journal. I will get around to sharing it on my blog soon and thank you for the mention ... I am happy to be amongst so many friends and talented artists on your post ... wow! Best wishes, Carolyn x

  6. I love using scrim...and now I'm inspired to go dig out what I have and use it some more! Your links will have me busy all day! Their art and YOURs is awesomely beautiful.


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