Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hot glue fun

I feel like I've been watching and reading rather than doing as much as I'd like lately....can recommend this
and this
Watched this DVD from the library
Click here for a preview
I was attracted to it because I love text and texture. It was very worthwhile. I've also watched a few more of the letter love lessons but not tried the techniques until this one : Lesson 15 - lettering with a hot glue gun

Hot glue word written on card
A little colour added makes the lettering stand out.
It's very dimensional
One of her ideas was to write the letters on a non-stick surface to use later, and it reminded me of Traci Bautista's technique of making hot-glue stencils so I had a bit more fun on a baking sheet
And then I tested them with some sprays. Here are the circles sprayed with the glue stencil lying alongside
Layers of love and hearts
A fun technique that gives a lovely soft effect, and it makes me so happy that I'm using the hot glue gun again. It's been sitting in my cupboard unloved for many years.

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