Saturday, February 9, 2013

The end of week 1

I've had a whole week of focussing on working in a couple of journals. I shared progress from my letter love class in my last post, and here's what I've been doing in my Full Tilt Boogie journal. Some pages are ready for journaling
The waxed butterfly was made in a playday
And some pages have only had an element or 2 added so far
I love including images from cards - below cats by Rosina Wachtmeister
I like to see how the blank bases develop as elements are added
The animals above are from another card by Jane Ray - one of my favourite illustrators. Do a google image search to see more of her lovely work, and click here for a free download of bookplates to colour.
Below is inside the back cover of the journal - the pink shoes were a perfect addition.
I'm happy with what this week's focus has produced and it's been a while since I've done some stitching so looking forward to that focus for next week.
Enjoy your weekend


  1. Gorgeous pages -dont forget to bring your book for our next show and tell!

  2. All lovely - i love these 'junk' journals and am currently putting together another one

  3. I am loving this journal Lynette, having a play myself at the mo', oh what fun huh!

  4. Beautiful spreads. I wish I could leaf through your book in person.


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