Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Monday

Lots to share from last week - so much that I think I'll share my stitching progress from last week in my next post...
I helped at Cecile Whatman's Unique Stitching stand from Thursday - Sunday at the Craft and Quilt Fair here in Palmerston North. This is me fondling some of her gorgeous dyed cotton scrim.
Had a ball - so cool to meet so many lovely like-minded people and of course I made some purchases...
Cecile has very cool stencils - 6 came home with me
I also found some cheap lace cardstocks at The Craft Spot which I will also use as stencils
And at the same booth, a fantastic buy on these scrapbooks
They have 10, 30x30cm clear pockets, and are perfect cheap storage for my stencils.
I love Sew Somerset magazine but don't usually treat myself. This older issue was on 1/2 price sale.
I love Priscilla Jones' work and found you an online copy of the article if you don't have this issue.
And I also got a wonderful deal on my very own Gelli Plate
Will be interesting to see how it goes compared to my homemade plate experiments.
Here I am looking at the gorgeous cotton scrim bundles. Below are what I succumbed to.
Then I found these hand dyed wrapped muslin cords from Felted and Stitched. You can use them as cords, or pull them out wider.
The variegations are lovely.
There were some very cool quilt exhibitions. You might recognise some of these quilts on display from Rose City Quilters.
I have been an admirer of the Twelve by Twelve group for ages and have had their book for a while.
It was so lovely to see their Colorplay quilts up close.
Go here to see all of those quilts.
And a group new to me was AQUA - Art Quilters Uniquely Australian with their exhibition "Essence of Australia".

Read more about them and see other examples of their quilts here.
The good news is there will be another Craft & Quilt show in Palmerston North next year.
I look forward to showing you what I do with my new supplies. Have a lovely week.


  1. What a great craft fair is was to!!! I will be watching to see what you do with all your great buys!!!! I can't wait to try my gel printing plate I have been doing a lot of dreaming about what I might do!!!!!!! Pleased to hear the fair will be back next year!!!
    Happy Crafting Liz

  2. looks like you are in your bliss ... good for you! Px

  3. Ooh, all those goodies. I especially want the gelli plate, but so far it's nowhere to be found around these parts. Enjoy all your new toys!

  4. Oh yummy! Looks like you'll be very busy for a long time. I can't wait to get back to the quilt shows in the States!


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