Monday, January 28, 2013

7 more sleeps!

Only 1 more week of the holidays to go and the boys will be back at school. We've had a lovely break together, but are all ready to be back to normal routines. 
Thought I would show you a few more background techniques from Creative Jumpstarts. They're not very exciting in themselves, but one of the ways I use my blog is to capture my experiments and techniques for future reference.
These are all by Natalie Kalbach. Check out this Youtube video of her demonstrating some other brayer and acrylic paint techniques.
Acrylic Brayered Background that was the beginning of the above page
Layer 1 Paint  speckle effect
Layer 2 - you can see some of the pink and original gesso peeking through
She also demonstrated Gesso on a transparency - you can cut the resulting page into shapes for embellishments too. Here's my transparency pieces laid on the orange page so you can see the effect. 
And then I actually made a page on the orange background, capturing our summer holidays.
 I trimmed the circles above to be triangles and they become the bunting.


  1. Like your hot summery page, and the gesso on transparencies looks like a cool technique to use!

  2. I'm back at work . . . started Monday. It was hard to leave the beach! Love the backgrounds and thanks for the link. :)

  3. Some really great pages, thanks for the link to the You Tube tutorials. I am decorating papers at the moments for a course I am doing, this is very helpful.


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