Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Journal pages

November pages in my Full Tilt Boogie journal
Just playing with serviettes, and paint, and stencils, and rub-ons, and tapes, and papers - whatever suits my mood
and writing down memories of our current days
Sometimes the images are enough.
And I have an early Xmas present - I have my ticket :-)
Class info HERE
Starts 15th December - so exciting


  1. Lovely work! I agree often a picture is just enough.

  2. Beautiful pages. I want to take a class..but I just can't make myself commit. This is one I'd take if I did though.

  3. What wonderful pages Lynette. I would have loved that e-ticket too but there's no time for me for art right now . . . roll on the holidays . . . oh! It doesn't start until the holidays!!!!! I'll go back and check it out. :)

  4. Beautiful Lynette all this playing with all this different stuff. Marvelous work.
    Lovely greet

  5. Your different pages are so beautifully made Lynette great to try various techniques.

  6. Love your new project! I live in Sweden, but I am actually from Venice, and I'll be flying back home on December 14th :D
    Big hugs from snowy Sweden! :)
    Ps: need more pics of Venice for your project? Here you can find some, hope you'll like them! http://mijbilcreatures.blogspot.se/2012/08/farewell.html


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.