Friday, September 7, 2012

Quilt Challenge Revealed

At last I can show you my Club Quilt challenge entry because it's the first day of the quilt show.
Here's a couple of closer details and click on the pictures to see even closer
I was so happy with how this turned out, and I will be especially pleased when it comes home at the end of the weekend to hang in my entrance hall. I will share some of its construction in a later blogpost.
These are some of the other entries for this challenge
The First Time, Novice, and Intermediate Sections all only had 2 entries. Mine won first place for Intermediate.
There were more entries for the Advanced Category
Impressed by my fellow blogger Liz who produced 3 of the above challenges and gained the yellow merit ribbon.
And the Professional section is always great to see
2 of these beautiful quilts are the work of my talented friend and blogger Erilyn. Visit her blog to see details of her quilts - again with the yellow merit ribbon, and her cream one next to it has divine quilting.
If you're in our area, please come visit this weekend - lots of wonderful quilts on display and if you love to stitch there are places to purchase supplies too.
I'll post about the fabric house challenges and the banners at the end of the weekend. Off to see the All Blacks play Argentina in Wellington tomorrow night...keep everything crossed for us that the storms stay away.


  1. Congratulations! Lyn Beautiful QUILT!

  2. Congratulations Lynnete. you derserved it with such a beautiful work.
    Lovely greet

  3. What a fantastic and very beautiful quilt Lynette, I enlarged the images so I could see all the wonderful details, love the way you made her hair, love everything about your work. Wish you a nice weekend.

  4. Very beautiful! I'm in awe of your talent.

  5. Lyn this quilt is just gorgeous - how clever are you!

  6. Congratulations! esp. as you don't often do challenges - it looked just so amazing! Well done!

  7. She is just gorgeous. What an amazing amount of detail and stitches! Congrats on winning in your category!


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