Friday, July 6, 2012

Something old some things new

I've been looking at the suggested supplies list for Mary Ann Moss's Full Tilt Boogie class...these are some of her journals showing the kinds of bindings I will be learning.
Journals by Mary Ann Moss
Gorgeous aren't they? You'll notice for the top ones we need a few sturdy strips of fabric. I went to the Palmerston North Arts Recycling Centre thinking I might be able to find something suitable - boy did I ever!
All this for $1.30! - yes you read that right!!! I will be able to bind a lot of journals with this lovely haul - mainly upholstery samples.
Now for the new supplies. I finally spent my art supply vouchers which I got for my birthday....I thought really hard for a very long time about what to get. Wasn't a hard decision to buy my own stamp carving tool - I've had so much fun doing that I am sure I will want to do more....
The other supplies I got are a real treat - which is what birthdays should be about after all.
A set each of Derwent 12 Graphitint and 12 Inktense Watercolour pencils.  I've done a colour chart of both for you to see what I'm going to have to play with. This was done on good quality 300gsm watercolour paper so the perfect substrate for them.
The Inktense pencils are gorgeous colours and can be used on fabric as well as paper. Once they have been wet once, they are not soluble again...this will be a useful feature to play with. Linda Kemshall has been doing some lovely Iris Quilts lately - she uses Inktense pencils for shadows and flower detailing.
The Graphitints are more subdued, but very beautiful as you can see. I am a great admirer of DJ Pettitt's books, so when I saw a needs list for one of her classes with both types of pencils listed, that was another justification for me.
I could also use them for colouring black and white images before including them in journals.
I'll show you as I find ways to use them in my fabric and mixed media art - how do you use your watercolour pencils? Would love some more ideas.
Hope you have a lovely weekend. Talk to you again soon.


  1. Thank you Lunette for all this beautiful stuff. Your creation is, so always, marvelous and your different work with the pencils very nice.
    lovely greet

  2. I love Mary Ann's classes, you are so going to make some cool things with stash of yours! $1.30?? I mean really when does that ever happen!
    Can't wait to see what you do with all your fab supplies Mx

  3. Wonderful new supplies. Hope you have a lot of fun with FTB class. I want to do it sometime in the future too. I took her ROD class, which is marvelous.

    I'm also a big fan of DJ Pettit, that woman's work is so beautiful I sometimes feel that it just can't be topped. Almost too beautiful really. I wish I could do work like that. ;-)

  4. Hi Lunette, I got your blog details from Mary Anne Moss link which I have just enrolled, you have probably finished all your journals.
    As to your lovely new pencils, they are both lovely blended with white gesso of fluids


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