Thursday, June 28, 2012


Recently I had this book out from the library, and decided I just had to own it.
It includes these 15 stencils so was great value.
I ordered it from the Book Depository - great prices and free delivery worldwide! Watch Helen Morris showing some of the pages and demonstrating a couple of technques with stencils from the book on this YouTube video (cover is different because hard-back version).
This book also led me to their blog : Planet Stencil Library which includes tutorials of how to stencil. They also have an online Stencil Catalogue - WOW
There'll be more of my sprayed and stencilled pages to share soon - I'm working on the Roben-Marie workshop again.
If you want to join her workshop, you'll have to wait until mid-July to join up - she's currently  on a mission trip to Romania!
In the meantime, if you haven't done much stencilling there are some great tips to be had in Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's FREE stencil 101 online class.
AND I am always inspired by Michelle Ward's stencilling tutorial page

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynette, Thanks for sharing this with me. It is fabulous with all these stencils. And yout work is marvelous with it. I love it. And immediately I have ordered one. Thanks again.
    Big hug


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