Friday, April 27, 2012

Workshop Thursday

Yesterday I pulled out this velvet and bleach base which I started last year a la Angie Hughes (go here to see how I did it)
I gathered foils - Jones Tones and chocolate foil wrappers - as well as some lovely fine glitter
Got myself reinspired by looking at Angie's galleries of some of her gorgeous velvet garden pieces and then did some fusing and foiling on my piece.
More to follow soon I hope.


  1. Looking gorgeous - I love the effect of all the different layers! Must get back to mine - after next week!

  2. Its looking good! I have made one of these from the video - wasn't mad on the finished outcome but cut it up into gorgeous (and popular!) bookmarks

  3. This is why we keep half finished stuff! I love what you've done with your fabric, looks amazing and such an interesting use of materials, totally fab result! mx

  4. looks like you had a pretty fun day then!

  5. OMGoodness...what a GORGEOUS beginning!!! I will definitely look at Angie's link and can't wait to see your finished piece. Wowza!


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