Friday, April 20, 2012

The New Studio

We are very lucky to have a large room on the back of our garage. Craig used to use it as a music room, but when he saw the trouble I was having with my very small creative space we did some rearranging and now we share the room and call it "The Studio" - fits both the music and creative space ideas.
First of all, to the left as you enter the room, is my lovely sewing space with a view of the backyard.
Click on any picture to see it larger.
Note the wee iron & ironing board - they are very handy for small jobs. To the left you can see one of my inspiration boards. I use this one mainly for quilty ideas and photos of my special people.
To the right is my cupboard of mixed media supplies with a fav Egon Schiele painting on the door. The cupboard marks the boundary between my space and his.
If you move into the corner along that same wall and look back at my space you can see my cotton fabrics all arranged by colour in plastic drawers beneath my lovely large table.
The table is the other boundary in the room - it's opposite the Egon Schiele cupbard but with plenty of space to walk around it all....loving it ;-)
This is another long view of the desk. Wonderful for fabric cutting/mixed media work/journalling/and playdays (and coffee!).
To the right you can see some of the plastic drawers from the previous space. Much more accessible here.
And another inspiration board on the door to our garage. This board holds some of my work, as well as special cards and ideas that inspire me.
Then we turn to face my design wall - it's just the fluffy back of a plastic tablecloth hung up but really effective.
It's large enough to audition quilt pieces on, and you can just smooth fabric onto it without having to pin anything. Easy to rearrange on.
And either side are some new purchases of shelving which are wonderful.
My left shelves contain fabric focussed patterns and magazines related to both quilting and mixed media fibre art. It's so great to have my recipes for silk paper and other silk and sari ribbon projects alongside the actual materials.
The right shelves contain paints, ink sprays, and stencils, focussing on art journalling and book making. You can see a good supply of book sale items which may be used for images, text use, or to recycle in a new book form.
I feel so so lucky lucky lucky (happy dancing) to have such a generous space with all my supplies so close at hand. The Egon Schiele cupboard contains other mixed media supplies, and I do confess to another drawer unit in the shed which has lovely useful basic and base supplies like batting, bonding materials, tyvek, lutradur -- you get the idea. I have wide-ranging interests ;-)
Oh...and there are a few more arty books still inside the house!
Hope you enjoyed the tour. You should come and play sometime :-)


  1. Fantastic space you have Lyn BUT what is that piece of fabric doing on your design wall????????
    Only you know you only have two more weeks to use it!!!!!!!!
    Happy Quilting Liz

  2. A beautiful space - i am green - I would love to come and play but sadly the distance is just too far so virtual play only (for now!)

  3. Lyn you must be "over the moon" with your studio - and it's so well organised - I would love playing in there.
    LOve the table ironing board - we had one when we lived in Aussie - it came from someones caravan - now I wish I'd kept it!!!

  4. Shane and I shall have to come one day!!!Looks sooooo spacious!

  5. great space for all your lovely ideas! I also had to re-check that fat 1/4 on the design wall!

  6. Envy! What a wonderful studio . . .it looks so light and airy. The table is fantastic and I love the tablecloth idea! I put fabric on the floor and stand on a chair to get some distance!

  7. There's nothing like having a wonderful space to make art. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Lynette, your studio looks fantastic. Very organised I must say. A great space to enjoy your creativity.


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