Monday, April 2, 2012

Calendar challenge : March/April

We seem to be having a bit of an indian summer here....this week anyway! Cooler nights but enjoying the sunshiney days. Making the most of them and hoping they last into Easter....
March's calendar began like this
and finished with a lot more to look at ;-) Click on any picture to see more detail.
Was fun to try out some of the things I've learned in the Letter Love class, but think I need to go back to complete the lessons and learn more techniques.
I've done a bit of a quick base for April - was thinking autumn feel but pretty for easter eggs.
I added another layer of spray in one of my fav golds - so here's a close-up of that so you can see the glisten.
Stamped the round spaces for journalling with purple staz-on ink thinking eggy shapes, and glitter for the foil. Come back in May to see how the page changes.
And be inspired by others via the Kathryn Wheel or our Flickr group
Happy April everyone


  1. I like how you did your March calendar. AND I 'm loving the gold in your April. Your April reminds me of Arizona for some reason.

  2. Lovely pages, I especially like how you did your March page, love the lettering.
    Big love

  3. Very pretty pages. I like the doodle lines on March and using a stamp for the date squares is a brilliant idea. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Lovely colours for both pages but we do like a bit of bling don't we .... the gold touch on your April page is perfect! :)

  5. Great pages, love your circle for April.

  6. Ooh, that looks so rich. Strange to think of you beginning Autumn as we're just entering Spring but I'm used to that with my family being over there. Hope your sun continues - we have snow forecast. LOVE how your March pages ended up - so interesting x

  7. You have such amazing ideas for your calender pages, wish I was inside your head! inpiring! Mx

  8. I love both you pages, very different

  9. wonderful pages !! I love how you write your journaling for march !!

  10. Oooo I love your March page and April is looking good too

  11. Love the ideas that you have used for both March & April. I need to think "out of the box" more.

  12. great pages!! So glad I joined in for this year-it's so inspiring to see what others are creating! I see you mentioned the Letter Love class-I've been hearing LOTS of great things about it-I may have to take it sometime.

  13. While I could berate myself for not getting far with my March calendar, I won't. I just accept that it's not for me and I really admire those of you who can maintain it!!

    Maybe all my job-hunting, interviews and apartment hunting has got in the way just a smidge?

  14. oooo these are fabulous. I have a thing about lettering so to see an entire month that looks so cool because of the lettering makes my heart flutter a little bit. The background for April is gorgeous too. How do you manage to get the color on the page all the way to the edge without it totally coating the wires?? I can't seem to manage that.

  15. Hi Lynette thanks for visiting my blog! Love the variety of pages from month to month...

  16. Very different and very nice. Love the stamp you've used for the day circles x

  17. I like how your page for march tourned out. The lettering is realy cute.

  18. Your pages for March looked fab before they were filled in and now they look absolutely wonderful! Isn't it great how they change over the month, really enriched. Your April page looks great too, love the gold, and I'm sure it will look equally fabulous at the end.

  19. Beautiful! Love the finished March with all your handwriting, and I may just have to steal your April day idea... I have those round journaling stamps and they haven't seen nearly enough ink!

  20. Wow, beautiful backgrounds on your journal pages. I love the freestyle way you completed March :-)


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