Thursday, March 15, 2012

Quilt labels

I have always been quite disciplined about labelling all of my quilts, and thought I would share some of my methods here in case you would like some ideas.
This is the label from the Pukeko quilt of my previous post.
The pen is a new one....
I liked the style of the lettering it gave - thicker than a pigma pen. It matched the contemporary feel of the quilt (and the pukeko theme of course)
Photo labels are fun.
The labels on the backs of my boys' quilts capture them forever at the age they received the quilts.
For these labels I pre-treated the fabric with Bubble Jet Set 2000 before ironing to freezer paper, and printing through the computer printer.
Labels made like this can be quite detailed, and even include poems (click the picture to read the poem properly)
Or your label can be as simple as a micron pigma pen straight on the back of the quilt - this one draws attention to the quilting
And you can remember why you created something
You can continue a theme set on the front
This label used variegated thread to send a message on a wedding quilt
And you can do a label separately which becomes part of the gift wrapping
It's nice if you can label your quilts to keep a memory of why you created it, and so others can remember you too.
Cheryl Lynch is another quilter who provides a tutorial here about how she labels her quilts.
And a friend of mine recycles old fabric doilies  :-)
Enjoy labelling your next quilt

1 comment:

  1. Wow...have you made ALL those wonderful quilts?!!
    I think the labelling is a fantastic idea.


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